
The Sens-ation Project Series


The key objective of the Sens-ation research project series is to develop a client-server platform for providing sensor information from sensor boards to various clients. Figure 1 shows Sens-ation overall architecture.

img/wiki_up//Concept Server2.jpg

Figure 1. The architecture of the server and planned interfaces.

Our platform provides different interfaces for clients to request sensor data. Beyond SOAP web services there is also access to HTML content and connections by the use of Bluetooth and TCP/IP.


Sens-ation Standardised CommunicationThe aim of this project is to develop concepts for an elegant integration of third-party components of a cooperative ubiquitous environment. (Winter term 2010/2011) ...more
Sens-ation Evaluation SuiteThe Sens-ation Evaluation Suite is a collection of tools for the evaluation of cooperative ubiquitous environments. (Summer term 2009) ...more
Sens-ation RightsThe aim of this project is to extend the Sens-ation sensor platform with user- and access control management (Winter term 2008/2009) ...more
Sens-ation LoungeIn this projects students refined and implemented technical concepts for ubiquitous environments for leisure and lounging (Summer term 2008) ...more
Sens-ation DistributedThe aim of the project is to extend the platform, developed in the last semesters, to a decentralised solution. Therefore it is necessary to develop and implement a peer-to-peer concept (Winter term 2006/2007) ...more
Sensor-Based InferencingThe SBI project aims to enhance the concepts for context modeling (Summer term 2006) ...more
Sens-ation IIIThe Sens-ation III project aims to extend the SensBase infrastructure (Winter term 2005/2006) ...more
Sens-ation II The Sens-ation II project seeks to extend the SensBase infrastructure (Summer term 2005) ...more
Sens-ation I SensBase, the initial Sens-ation project to build a first infrastructure (Winter term 2004/2005) ...more


Tom Gross (Supervisor)
Christoph Beckmann (Supervisor)

Alexander Blazic (Former Supervisor)
Tareg Egla (Former Supervisor)
Mirko Fetter (Former Supervisor)
Christoph Oemig (Former Supervisor)
Thilo Paul-Stueve (Former Supervisor)

Created by: tom.gross last modification: Friday 28 of January, 2011 [11:33:47 UTC] by max

The original document is available at