Scientific Sources
- Human-Computer Interaction Resources
- ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction SIGCHI
- ACM Digital Library
- DBLP Computer Science Bibliography and entry of Tom Gross
- Human-Computer Interaction Steering Committee of the Germany Informatics Society (Gesellschaft fuer Informatik).
Technical Sources
Mac OS X
General technical hints:
- Using SSH without passwords
- git Command help on github
- Pro Git book
- CVS access from the command line
- CVS and binary files
Java Programming Language
Follow these steps to access the HCI Group's GitLab installation:
- The GitLab server is accessible under the following URL:
- Use the username and password provided to you by the HCI Group to log in.
- You need to generate a ssh key and upload it to GitLab. Instructions how to create and upload the ssh key can be found on the page
- Install and setup Git for use at the HCI group
Eclipse 3.x
General technical hints:
Regional Sources
Everyday Life at the HCI Group and at the CML
- HCI Group and CML FAQ (internal)