
Cooperative Media Lab

The Cooperative Media Laboratory (CML) does research on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp). Its research paradigm is Human-Centred Computing—that is, to develop technological concepts, prototypes, and systems based on an understanding of how people interact with and communicate through computing technology. It departs from an understanding of human, social, and cultural issues in order to make technology useful and usable.

The CML is the lab of the Human-Computer Interaction Group of the University of Bamberg, Germany, headed by Tom Gross. It was relaunched in March 2011, after its first period from December 2003 to February 2011 at the Bauhaus-University Weimar, Germany.

The faculty and students of the CML work on a conceptual and technological foundation as well as methods for the design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive systems. Platforms and toolkits as well as prototypes and systems are designed, developed, and evaluated.

This Wiki of the CML provides information on the members, the research, and the publications of the CML as well as information on support and hints, on most recent developments, and availability.

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[07/04/11 00:17]<>
[07/04/11 00:17]<>hhh
[07/04/11 00:17]<>hhh
[07/04/11 00:17]<>hhh
[15/04/11 14:45]<>The courses of the summer term 2011 will be available soon.
[21/04/11 16:25]<christoph.beckmann>The courses of the summer term 2011 are available in the UnivIS.
[03/05/11 17:10]<>hu?
[10/05/11 10:18]<Christoph Beckmann>Hy
[09/03/12 14:54]<>Hey
[09/03/12 14:54]<>Hey
[09/03/12 14:54]<>Hey
[10/05/12 22:09]<>Greetings from Austin!
[19/06/12 09:37]<>greetings from Bamberg.AI -Ubung
[19/06/12 09:44]<>test test
[11/07/12 12:39]<>bla
[11/07/12 12:39]<>bla
[11/07/12 12:39]<>bla
[22/05/13 10:12]<>asdf
[22/05/13 10:12]<>asdf
[22/05/13 10:12]<>asdf
[23/07/13 16:29]<>hi
[23/07/13 16:29]<>hello
[23/07/13 16:29]<>today is tuesday
[23/07/13 16:29]<>yes.
[23/07/13 16:29]<>why?
[23/07/13 16:29]<>just asking
[18/11/13 16:51]<>moin
[18/11/13 16:51]<>moin
[18/11/13 16:51]<>moin
[20/11/13 11:33]<>great
[04/02/14 21:45]<>hello!
[04/02/14 21:45]<>hello!
[04/02/14 21:45]<>hello!
[04/02/14 21:45]<>anybody is there?
[04/02/14 21:45]<>anybody is there?
[04/02/14 21:45]<>anybody is there?
[18/06/14 18:37]<tom.gross>slides
[04/09/14 12:03]<sascha.herr>?
[04/09/14 12:03]<sascha.herr>?
[04/09/14 12:03]<sascha.herr>?
[09/12/14 13:34]<>test
[20/12/15 08:52]<>test
[22/02/16 19:27]<>?
[28/04/16 14:40]<tom.gross>.
[28/04/16 14:40]<tom.gross>.
[28/04/16 14:40]<tom.gross>.
[28/04/16 14:40]<tom.gross>.
[13/06/16 17:28]<>.
[14/06/16 09:20]<>hi
[14/06/16 09:21]<>servus!
[14/06/16 09:21]<>chat hat bad usability
[18/06/16 19:17]<>hallo
[18/06/16 19:17]<><sam> anybody here
[04/10/16 20:11]<tom.gross>
[16/03/17 11:14]<>hi
[20/03/17 14:52]<>hi
[21/03/17 10:36]<>hi
[21/03/17 10:36]<>hi
[21/03/17 10:36]<>hi
[21/03/17 10:36]<>whats uuup?
[21/03/17 10:36]<>whats uuup?
[21/03/17 10:36]<>whats uuup?
[21/03/17 16:46]<>juhu
[21/03/17 16:46]<>juhu
[21/03/17 16:46]<>juhu
[21/03/17 16:46]<>läuft krass
[21/03/17 16:46]<>läuft krass
[21/03/17 16:46]<>läuft krass
[21/03/17 16:47]<>was geeeeeeeht
[21/03/17 16:47]<>was geeeeeeeht
[21/03/17 16:47]<>was geeeeeeeht
[21/03/17 16:47]<>haaai
[21/03/17 16:47]<>haaai
[21/03/17 16:47]<>haaai
[21/03/17 16:47]<>lalaal
[21/03/17 16:47]<>lalaal
[21/03/17 16:47]<>lalaal
[02/05/17 12:36]<>when will this section be accessible? cml.hci.uni-bamberg.de/~gross/internals/ks-b?
[16/05/17 18:01]<>hello
[16/05/17 18:02]<>is <b>this thing on?</b>
[16/05/17 19:04]<>Hi
[16/05/17 19:05]<>Who are you
[27/06/17 12:52]<>Hey
[27/06/17 12:53]<>Hi Fans!
[27/06/17 12:58]<>hi
[27/06/17 12:59]<>Lel
[27/06/17 12:59]<>Lelelelel
[17/10/17 17:47]<>bla
[07/11/17 12:27]<>hi
[07/11/17 12:28]<>whats up
[27/02/18 16:47]<>ho
[05/06/18 09:33]<>hi
[05/06/18 09:35]<>lol
[05/06/18 09:36]<>#Schhnitzelbrötchen
[05/06/18 09:36]<>CHAT RESTRICTION
[07/02/19 18:58]<>hi
[01/09/20 17:11]<>Hallo!
[08/02/21 16:52]<tom.gross>Chat
[24/08/21 17:32]<tom.gross>Hello
[25/11/21 09:23]<>HI