
Instant Messaging Inferencing


Instant messaging systems allow their users to log in, set their availability status and to communicate with others. In this process a lot of data about the users activities and availability accumulate. In today’s systems this data stays widely unused.

Our system combines this communication and status data with spatial information about the places, where this communication happened leveraging data mining techniques. By answering the question: “Who talks where and when about what?” the system is now able to suggest different configurations based on the users context. This projects is the accumulated outcome of the projects PRIMIMINE and CoDaMine into a bigger whole.


Tobias Pohl
Julian Seifert

Tom Gross (Supervisor)
Mirko Fetter (Co-Supervisor)

Created by: mirko.fetter last modification: Friday 24 of November, 2006 [16:26:59 UTC] by tom.gross

The original document is available at http://cml.medien.uni-weimar.de/tiki-index.php?page=RP_IMInfer