Gross, T. Common Ground in Human-Robot Interaction. Presented at Workshop on The Role of Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction at the 12th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interation - HRI 2017 (Mar. 6, Vienna, Austria). Thill, S. and Ziemke, T., eds. 2017. (, 159KB).
Marquart, P. and Gross, T. Mensch-Computer-Interaktion an der Otto-Friedrich-Universitaet Bamberg (Human-Computer Interaction at the Otto-Friedrich-Universitaet Bamberg; in German). Presented at Workshop 'MCI in der Lehre - Stand und Diskussion' im Rahmen der Mensch & Computer - 16. Fachuebergreifende Konferenz fuer interaktive und kooperative Medien - M&C 2016 (Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction in Teaching; in German) (Sept. 5, Aachen, Germany). Dahm, Markus and Strauss, Friedrich, eds. 2016. doi:10.18420/muc2016-ws06-0001. (, 147KB).
Gross, T. Towards Cooperative Surface Media Spaces. Presented at Workshop on Collaboration Meets Interactive Surfaces: Walls, Tabletops, Mobiles, and Wearables - CMIS 2015 - at the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces - ITS 2015 (Nov. 15, Funchal, Portugal). Anslow, C., Campos, P., Grisoni, L. and Lucero, A., eds. 2015. (, 1.4MB).
Gross, T. Human-Computer Interaction Education and Diversity. Presented at Workhshop on Challenges from the Future: Bridging the Gaps Through HCI Education at the 14th IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - INTERACT 2013 (Sept. 2, Cape Town, South Africa). Oestreicher, L. and Silva, P.A., eds. 2013. (, 61k).
Beckmann, C. and Gross, T. Towards Group Recommendations at Work. Presented at Workshop on Social Media at Work at the Twelfth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - ECSCW 2011 (Sept. 25, Aarhus, Denmark). Avram, G., Richter, A., Koch, M., Prinz, W. and Kellogg, W.A., eds. 2011. (, 270k).
Doerflinger, J. and Gross, T. User-Centred Technical ICTD - A Combined Technical and Social Research Approach. Presented at Workshop on Bridging the Gap Between Technical and Social Researchers to Foster International Development through Mobile Platforms at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development - ICTD 2010 (Dec. 16, London, UK). Frias-Martinez, V., Toyama, K., Burrell, J. and Eagle, N., eds. 2010. (, 508k).
Gross, T. Connected, Not Chained: Towards Adequate Connectedness. Presented at Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Affective Aspects of Sociable Media to Support Social Connectedness at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2010 (Apr. 11, Atlanta, GA). Visser, T., Dadlani, P., van Bel, D. and Yarosh, S., eds. 2010. (, 57k).
Gross, T. Towards Semantic Modelling in Adaptive Ubiquitous Environments. Presented at Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems (SEMAIS 2010) at the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI 2010 (Feb. 7, Hong Kong, China). Dix, A., Hussein, T., Lukosch, S. and Ziegler, J., eds. 2010. (, 274k).
Gross, T. A Cooperative Media Space to Remix and Separate Rooms. Presented at Workshop on Remix Rooms: Redefining the Smart Conference Room at the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW 2008 (Nov. 9, San Diego, CA). Carter, S., Lahlou, S., Horikiri, K., Inagaki, M. and Morrison, G., eds. 2008. (, 184k).
Gross, T. Towards a Cooperative Meeting Space. Presented at Workshop on Embodied Meeting Support: Mobile, Tangible, Senseable Interaction in Smart Environments at the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing - UbiComp 2007 (Sept. 16, Innsbruck, Austria). Back, M. and Carter, S., eds. 2007.
Gross, T. Social TV as Supple Interface. Presented at Workshop on Supple Interfaces: Designing and Evaluating for Richer Human Connections and Experiences at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2007 (Apr. 29, San Jose, CA). Isbister, K. and Hook, K., eds. 2007. (, 372k).
Gross, T. Towards a Cooperative Media Space. Presented at Workshop on Information Visualisation and Interaction Techniques for Collaboration Across Multiple Displays at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2006 (Apr. 22-23, Montreal, Canada). Terrenghi, L., May, R. and Baudisch, P., eds. 2006. (, 1,1MB).
Gross, T. Detecting Place in Space. Presented at
Workshop on Settings for Collaboration: The Role of Place at the
Nineth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work -
ECSCW 2005 (Sept. 19, Paris, France). Ciolfi, L., Fitzpatrick, G. and
Bannon, L., eds. 2005. (,
Gross, T. COBRA: A Constraint-Based Awareness Management Framework. Presented at Workshop on Awareness Systems: Known Results, Theory, Concepts, and Future Challenges at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2005 (Apr. 3, Portland, OR). Markopoulos, P., De Ruyter, B. and Mackay, W.E., eds. 2005. (, 164k).
Gross, T. Towards Cooperative Knowledge Management. Presented at
Workshop on Conversations with the Past: Community, Technology and
Interpretation in Long-Term Knowledge Management at the Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW 2004 (Nov. 6, Chicago, IL).
Stubblefield, W., Barrentine, T. and Liszka, A., eds. 2004.(, 136k).
Gross, T. The Past, Present, and Future of Workgroups in a Theatre of
Work. Presented at Workshop on Forecasting Presence and Availability
at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2004
(Apr. 26, Vienna, Austria). Tullio, J., Begole, J.B., Horvitz, E. and
Mynatt, E., eds. 2004. (, 748k).
Gross, T. Theatre of Work: Time Design for Distributed Workgroups.
Presented at Workshop on Time Design at the Conference on Human
Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2004 (Apr. 25, Vienna, Austria).
Hildebrandt, M., Dix, A. and Meyer, H.A., eds. 2004. (, 752k).
Gross, T. Peripheral Awareness in a Theatre of Work. Presented at
Workshop on Providing Elegant Peripheral Awareness at the Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI 2003 (Apr. 7, Fort
Lauderdale, FL). Cadiz, J., Czerwinski, M., McCrickard, S. and Stasko,
J., eds. 2003. (, 2,9MB).
Gross, T. Virtual Communities on Stage: Supporting Chance Encounters,
Communication and Awareness in a Theatre of Work. Presented at
Workshop on The Rold of Place in Shaping Virtual Community at the
Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW 2002 (Nov.
16, New Orleans, LO). Jones, Q. and Halverson, C., eds. 2002. ( , 372k).
Gross, T. Sharing and Exchanging Knowledge in Communities: The
CYCLADES Open Collaborative Virtual Archive Environment. Presented at
Workshop on Community Knowledge at the Seventh European Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - ECSCW 2001 (Sept. 16, Bonn,
Germany). Nakata, K. and Kuutti, K., eds. 2001. pp. 17-24. ( , 108k).
Gross, T. and Prinz, W. Web-Browsing on Stage: Using the Theatre of
Work for Awareness on the WWW. Presented at Workshop on Awareness and
the World-Wide Web at the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative
Work - CSCW 2000 (Dec. 2, Philadelphia, PA). Liechti, O. and Sumi, Y.,
eds. 2000. ( , 4.4MB).
Gross, T. and Pankoke-Babatz, U. Hybride Settings fuer CSCW. Presented
at Workshop on CSCW-Umgebungen im Spannungsfeld realer und virtueller
Welten at the Deutsche Computer Supported Cooperative Work Tagung -
DCSCW 2000 (Sept. 13, Munich, Germany). Prante, T. and Streitz, N.,
eds. 2000.(, 12k).
Gross, T. Analysing and Modelling Collective Design. Presented at
Workshop on Analysing and Modelling Collective Design at the Fourth
International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems - COOP
2000, (May 23, Sophia Antipolia, France). Blessing, L., Brassac, C.,
Darses, F., Visser, W. and Frankenberger, E., eds. 2000. (, 28k).
Gross, T. Expertise Management: Towards Flexible Sharing and Exchange
of Expertise. Presented at Workshop on Beyond Knowledge Management:
Managing Expertise at the Sixth European Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - ECSCW'99 (Sept. 13, Copenhagen,
DK). Ackerman, M., cohen, A., Pipek, V. and Wulf, V., eds. 1999. (, 20k).
Gross, T. Computer-Supported Community Work: Old Wine in New Bottles?
Presented at Workshop on Broadening Our Understanding: Community
Networks and Other Forms of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work at the
Sixth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work -
ECSCW'99 (Sept. 12, Copenhagen, DK). de Cindio, F., Day, P.,
Finquelievich, S., Mambrey, P., Ranerup, A., Schuler, D., Serra, A.,
Stolterman, E. and Van den Besselaar, P., eds. 1999.(, 20k).
Gross, T. Supporting Awareness and Cooperation in Digital Information
Environments. Presented at Basic Research Symposium at the Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI'99 (May 16-17, Pittsburgh,
PA). 1999. (, 252k).
Gross, T. Supporting Collaboration and Cooperation in Digital
Information Environments. Presented at Workshop on Collaborative and
Cooperative Information Seeking in Digital Information Environments at
the Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW'98 (Nov.
14, Seattle, WA). Chruchill, E., Snowdon, D. and Golovchinsky, G.,
eds. 1998.(, 256k).
Gross, T. Von Groupware zu GroupAware: Theorie, Modelle und Systeme
zur Transparenzunterstuetzung. Presented at Workshop on Von Groupware
zu GroupAware at the Deutsche Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Tagung: Groupware und Organisatorische Innovation 1998 - DCSCW'98
(Sept. 29, Dortmund, Germany). Pankoke-Babatz, U. and Prinz, W., eds.
1998. (, 16k).
Gross, T. Beyond Internet Business-As-Usual: Populating the Electronic
Shop. Presented at Workshop on Beyond Internet Business-As-Usual at
the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI'98 (Apr.
20, Los Angeles, CA). Stolze, M., Steiger, P. and Good, M., eds.
1998.(, 12k).
Gross, T. Software Architectures for Cooperative Systems. Presented at
Workshop on Software Architectures for Cooperative Systems at the
Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - CSCW'94 (Oct. 23,
Chapel Hill, NC). 1994.(, 8k).