Extended Grants for Students and Early Stage Researchers from Developing Countries
The IFIP Developing Countries Students Program and the IFIP Technical Committee TC13 provides funding to assist students and early stage researchers from developing countries to attend INTERACT 2015.
Grant RecipientsWe are happy to announce the recipients of the INTERACT 2015 Grants for Students and Early Stage Researchers from Developing Countries:
- Emanuel Felipe Duarte (Brazil)
- Nitesh Goyal (India)
- Mariana Goncalves Maciel Pinheiro (Brazil)
- Aderonke Sakpere (Nigeria)
- Guy Toko (South Africa)
- Tariq Zaman (Malaysia)
Grant conditions
Each awarded student/early stage researcher will be reimbursed the traveling costs to
Bamberg to a maximum of 1000 Euro, and the lodging to a maximum of 300 Euro (no other
subsistence expenses will be reimbursed). All the awarded students/early stage researchers
will receive a free student conference registration and will be able to participate in workshops
and/or tutorials at no cost.
Payment of Grants
Due to management restrictions all grants will be paid on arrival of the student in Bamberg
after presenting the receipts for travel and logging. Therefore, all students and early stage
researcher awarded one of the grants announced here will be responsible for advancing their
full costs to travel to Bamberg.
All applicants should send:
- A brief curriculum vitae (including references to your published works if any) [not more than one A4 page in length].
- A statement of how attendance at INTERACT 2015 will benefit your own work, your community and also your possibility of collaboration with colleagues in other countries [not more than one A4 page in length].
- A recommendation letter from a referee professor who is familiar with your work. This letter has to be directly sent by your professor to julio.abascal@ehu.eus.
- The intended route, the anticipated cost for you to travel to INTERACT 2015, and to lodge in Bamberg, and an explanation of how you will pay the costs not covered by the grant.
- Optional: Contribution(s) submitted to the conference (papers, posters demos, doctoral consortium, etc.).
Even if this is not a condition, the selection committee will prioritize students
contributing to the conference (papers, posters demos, doctoral consortium, etc.)
Applications are invited until the closing date of 1 May 2015.
Applicants are informed about the results of the selection by 15 May 2015.
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST IMMEDIATELY and send your application as soon as possible, especially
if you need to get a visa to enter Germany.
Applications should be sent to:
Prof. Julio Abascal
Egokituz: Laboratory of HCI for Special Needs
University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea