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MicrosoftNoldusOxford University PressSAPStadnetz BambergSpringerSIG CHIIFIP TC13Uni bambergHCIGI

Short Papers

We solicit submissions for short papers that address any area of HCI, including those identified in the conference topics.. Authors are encouraged to submit late-breaking research results and work in progress that show timely and innovative ideas. Short paper submissions should report original work and must not have been published previously or be a condensed version of previously published papers. All short paper submissions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. The review process will retain the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

Co-Chairs Fabio Paterno (IT)
Kari-Jouko Räihä (FI)
Submission 27 Mar. 2015
Notification 8 May 2015
Camera-Ready 29 May 2015
No. of pages 8
Proceedings Springer LNCS Series
Anonymous Yes

Submit short papers of with a maximium of eight pages in PDF format by 27 March 2015 - 23:59 CET, using the conference submission system at Papers must be formatted according to the conference papers format. Accepted short papers must be presented at the conference and will be published by Springer in the LNCS Series. Authors must guarantee the anonymity of their submissions (please remove names and affiliations from the first page and any other material that would allow reviewers to identify the authors). Short papers may optionally be accompanied by a video, in .MOV format, not exceeding 20 MB in size. Video figures will not be published