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MicrosoftNoldusOxford University PressSAPStadnetz BambergSpringerSIG CHIIFIP TC13Uni bambergHCIGI

Organisational Overviews

Organisational overviews describe HCI work taking place in organisations that have demonstrated excellence in, or made innovative contributions to the field of HCI. This venue is a great opportunity for organisations to highlight their work to a broad HCI community. We expect contributions that address:

Contributors should be members of universities, corporations or government research groups or institutions. We are also interested in contributions from product developers, consultancy organisations and funding agencies, as well as partnerships of different types of groups, or groups cooperating across geographical, political, or cultural boundaries.

Co-Chairs Melanie Fitzgerald (US)
Kori Inkpen (US)
Submission 27 Mar. 2015
Notification 8 May 2015
Camera-Ready 29 May 2015
No. of pages 2
Proceedings Springer LNCS
Anonymous No

Submissions of a maximum of two pages should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS format and uploaded in .PDF format, using the conference submission system at by 27 March 2015 - 23:59 CET. They will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer in the LNCS Series. Notification of acceptance is on 8 May 2015. Final versions of accepted submissions are due on 29 May 2015, and the authors will make a presentation on the Organisational Overviews session at the conference.