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is open until
31 August!

MicrosoftNoldusOxford University PressSAPStadnetz BambergSpringerSIG CHIIFIP TC13Uni bambergHCIGI


Individuals wanting to chair a panel on a topic that intrigues them may propose a panel session. Topics that raise forward-looking and/or contentious issues and that will promote debate among panel members as well as audience involvement are strongly encouraged. All suggestions will be assessed for topicality and ability to generate stimulating debate.

Co-Chairs Anirudha N Joshi (IN)
Gitte Lindgaard (AUS)
Submission 27 Mar. 2015
Notification 8 May 2015
Camera-Ready 29 May 2015
No. of pages 2
Proceedings Springer LNCS Series
Anonymous No

Submit a panel proposal abstract (two pages in total, in PDF format) by 27 March 2015 - 23:59 CET, using the conference submission system at Proposals must be formatted according to the conference papers format. Panel submissions are NOT anonymous. At least three leading experts in the specified HCI area will review all submissions. The proposal should include the proposer’s name and affiliation as well as the names and affiliations of possible panel members. To chair a panel, at least one author of each accepted proposal must attend INTERACT 2015. Descriptions of accepted panels will be published in the conference proceedings. Individual panellists’ position papers may be published in the official adjunct conference proceedings published by the University of Bamberg Press.