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Open Space Sessions

Open Space Sessions are a new format that can be everything contributing to further exchange within the community–as one session (i.e., 90 minutes):

They provide a venue for a broad spectrum of contributions from facilitated interactive discussion to in a workshop or panel style in meeting rooms. INTERACT 2015 provides meeting space and advertises Open Spaces to the rest of the conference in the Conference Programme and on the Conference Website. Organisers are free to shape the Open Space Sessions depending on the topic and to their needs.

Since Open Space Sessions are new for INTERACT: please do not hesitate to ask the co-chairs how to best fit your ideas into an open space session.

Co-Chairs Christoph Beckmann (DE)
Achim Ebert (DE)
Submission 5 June 2015
Notification 19 June 2015
Camera-Ready 1 July 2015
No. of pages 2
Proceedings University of Bamberg Press
Anonymous No

In order to plan and advertise Open Space Sessions, we ask to submit a proposal in in PDF format by 5 June 2015 - 23:59 CET, using the conference submission system at Submissions should be formatted according to the conference papers format. The description of accepted Open Space Session discussions will be published in the official adjunct conference proceedings at the University of Bamberg Press. Submissions are NOT anonymous, but will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance will be based on the relevance of the topic to the INTERACT 2015 programme, its relevance and importance for the INTERACT community as well as the plan for stimulating attendee interest and participation.

A submission consists of an extended abstract of maximum two pages plus a one-page description and should cover the following information: